Coach Heath Regeon

Odyssey will be able to work from home. The link is added at the bottom of this message. If you have any problems login on or problems in the odyssey program please email Mrs. Lafuente or me at [email protected] or [email protected]. Login and password have not been changed. Also if you are finished with all lessons please email us Mrs. Lafuente or me to let us know.

PE/Personal Fitness

Spring 2020 March - indefinite

Instructor Information



Office Location & Hours

Heath Regeon

[email protected]

Parent contact through remind:

Or contact through email

Or contact through phone:

325-597-2491 ext.


General Information



This syllabus is intended to provide information on how we will continue classes online or through packets that may be picked up. Below you will find the websites that we will use and information on how to sign up for each website. While we are working online and not meeting in person, I will modify my curriculum so that each lesson can be completed online. We will be working through google classroom with some additional websites linked to the online classroom.


All your assignments will be graded as usual and I expect full effort and completion of each assignment. You will be held accountable for not doing assignments and your credit for the six weeks and semester will be in jeopardy if you choose to not do any of the assignments.







Expectations and Goals

The expectations and goals of the course have not changed. Although the formatting of the course may be different you will still be expected to complete and turn in each assignment in a timely basis. All students will be graded on completed work and will receive missing grades for assignments not turned in. Failure to complete online or homework is equivalent to failure to complete class work and may result in a failure of the course. Again, late work will not be tolerated, you will be expected to turn in work on time. The due dates and times will be posted, and I cannot stress enough you will be expected to take responsibility for your work. Failure to do so may result in failure of the course.

Course Materials

Online format Required websites

  • Google classroom:
  • Students are already signed up for my Google Classroom
  • Class codes: email if code is needed.


Paper format

If you are unable to access the online curriculum for any reason. Paper copies of all assignments and notes will be provided. You will be expected to pick up the copies for the week from the high school on Mondays and the assignments will be due on the following Monday when you pick up the next packet. For the Web quests if you cannot complete due to lack of internet will have alternate assignments from the book. Please email if that is the case.